Key Performance Indicators for Marketing ROI

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Tips for Optimization Last Updated: June 10, 2013
Author: Steve Herz
 Key Performance Indicators for Marketing ROI

Whether you’re going to revamp your website or overhaul your marketing plan, it’s wise to consider the key performance indicators (KPI) that help a company define and measure progress towards its business goals so that you can properly measure your marketing ROI.

Consider sales and revenue growth. Think about expense reductions. Talk about educating your employees and clients on how to best use your site. And most importantly of all, weigh the credentials of Moonstone Interactive as the agency who can provide the website metrics you need to optimize your marketing ROI.

The Three Keys to Success for Key Performance Indicators

Moonstone is an expert at using key performance indicators and other website metrics to access marketing ROI – before, during and after your revise your marketing or website efforts. Through managing dozens of projects per year, our experience shows that these are the three keys to quantifiable success:

  • Establish well-defined Calls to Action that we often reference as “goals” – These often include website metrics such as:
    • Purchases
    • Requests for Consultation, Quotes, and Estimates
    • Registration
    • Downloads of various documents from your website
  • Determine the value of each Call to Action or Goal – This website metrics value may be based on:
    • The profit contribution of a sale
    • The lifetime value of a client
    • The dollar value of a lead
  • Measure the marketing ROI of campaigns based on these goals – This is perhaps the best use of key performance indicators.

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