Rich Media Advertising

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Tips for Web Design Last Updated: February 21, 2013
Author: Global Administrator
Rich Media Advertising

Videos are so increasingly popular that hundreds of millions of them are watched daily on websites globally. Some videos are in the form of rich media advertising, such as web banners. Some are interactive multimedia marketing, such as video ads on websites. And some are encompassed in interactive web site design to showcase your product demos, company overview, or services.

Attract Higher Visitor Usage With Interactive Web Site Design.
By using rich media advertising and interactive multimedia marketing videos on your website, you can:

  • Attract and Increase Visitor Usage – They’ll view longer, return more often, explore more options per page, and spend more money to complete more online transactions.
  • Educate Users About Your Products or Services – Use the power of an online video within your interactive web site design to show your visitors how your product works and why it’s better than your competitors’.
  • Improve The User Experience – Delivering video quickly and smoothly to your website viewers as part of your interactive multimedia marketing campaign greatly improves the user experience. In contrast, potentially large flat video files such as QuickTime, Windows Media, etc. with slow performance and high bandwidth usage may cause user frustration and abandonment, whether they’re watching rich media advertising or videos.
  • Leverage Your Visitors’ Propensity to Watch Multiple Videos – Website visitors love to watch videos, and the better their quality, the more people are likely to watch. That’s why Moonstone recommends integrating the video delivery experience into your interactive web site design.

Support Multiple Platforms.
Plus, you need to consider how to support both the website-imbedded video player and smart phone technology requirements. To support both the website embedded video player and iPhone technology requirements, Moonstone uses MP4 format videos which will play through the Flash Streaming Server and with HTML5 play through the iPhone.

Consider Using a Streaming Flash Video Server.
Avoid frustrating issues and retain control of the user experience by enabling streaming functionality of rich media advertising or interactive multimedia marketing videos. This is accomplished by using a streaming Flash video server to deliver all of your video content. This format, when viewed through an embedded flash controller, also provides the widest level of support across all platforms and browsers that your visitors may be using. A Flash streaming video server is included in Moonstone’s Web Hosting Packages.

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