Keeping Your Website Relevant

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Tips for Web Design Last Updated: October 17, 2015
Author: Steve Herz
Keeping Your Website Relevant

Have you fallen behind the times in regards to your website design and functionality? Is your website mobile compliant? Does it have a fresh clean image that is easy to navigate for both the user and search engines?

When you build your website you try to take into account all of the information that is going to be necessary for your customer base. You craft great content that will answer their questions and create specific “calls to action” that lead the customer through the site to the end goal. But even if you have amazing content on your page if your site isn’t visually appealing, or what the client wants to find when they get there, they may bounce off the page quickly, never even looking at the actual content of the site.

If your site is not up to date with the newest trends you may be losing potential clients that are “bouncing” off of your site quickly because they don’t like what they see when they first land on the page. User experience is crucial to the overall performance of your site; not just for customer retention but also for relevancy purposes in Google’s eyes. Search engines take bounce rate into consideration when giving a website credibility; so if it notices that a lot of people are leaving your site rather quickly it will assume that your site is not actually relevant for the keywords it was being found for, and may then give you lower rankings for those keywords.

That is why it is important to keep up on the newest trends in web design as well as to continually monitor what your competitors are doing with their sites. You need to stay relevant not only in overall web design but in design techniques that are appropriate for your field. Looking at your competitors sites is a great way of gauging what your specific industry is doing and the changes it is making online.

Another aspect you need to address right away if you haven’t is mobile compliance. Google released an algorithm earlier this year specifically relating to mobile compliance. Although mobile compliance may not directly affect your rankings on a desktop search, it will absolutely affect your rankings on mobile search. With mobile search becoming a more popular way of searching it is so important for your site to be found on mobile devices as well.

If you are in need of an upgrade to your site or are looking for assistance to make your site mobile compliant Moonstone Interactive can help. We are more than happy to look at your company site and make recommendations that fit with your overall goal and aim to get you higher conversion rates.