Four Design Tweaks to Improve Website Conversion

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Tips for Web Design Last Updated: October 19, 2015
Author: Global Administrator
Four Design Tweaks to Improve Website Conversion

If done correctly, your website is not just an extension of your business, it's another valued member of your company's sales team. In order to better convert your web traffic into phone calls, location visits, contact-form submissions, and sales, make sure your web designer is aware of these 5 ways to turn clicks into revenue. If you paid a web designer to create your website, but it still isn't generating the conversion you bargained for it may be because your design needs tweaking.

  1. Make sure you have a responsive design.
    There's nothing more irritating than a website that was only made to be seen on one type of screen, especially considering the likelihood that most of your potential customers will be browsing from a variety of mobile devices. A responsive website design (RWD), on the other hand, adapts to fit any screen -- desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, and will increase the likelihood of website conversion.
  2. Keep it simple.
    In the recent past, flash and animation were typical web design elements. Now all that pomp and circumstance has given way to cleaner, simpler, flat designs, better for showcasing what your customers came to see: your content and your product offerings. Today's consumers appreciate a nice, clean layout, and they will only be annoyed by the unnecessary moving parts and the slower load times that attend an overly complex web design. Simplicity is essential to increased website conversion.
  3. Make it easy to navigate.
    As part of an overall streamlined design, your site's navigation menu should be just as easy to navigate. By including too many options you risk overwhelming your visitors and miss out on a chance at converting visitors into sales or other objectives. Your site should make it really easy for your customers to do what you want, whether that's to fill out a submission form or simply to land on a certain page.
  4. Don't use stock photos.
    Using a stock photo or two is OK for your blog or even print advertising materials, but they don't generate conversion when they're used on your website. Stock photos are instantly recognizable, and they create an impersonal feel that makes your company seem distant and unapproachable. Your company's website is the perfect place, however, to include a company bio, company photo, or even individual photos of your employees and a bit of info about each one. Hiring a professional photographer or paying for studio time will be worth the investment.

Each of these tweaks should be easy for a professional web designer (like Moonstone Interactive) to implement, and in time your company should be seeing the kind of conversion that makes maintaining a website more than worth it. Moonstone Interactive is here to help with all of your web design needs.