Marketing ROI Strategy

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Tips for Optimization Last Updated: March 11, 2013
Author: Steve Herz
Marketing ROI Strategy

What is the Return on Investment (ROI) for visitor behavior or a conversion strategy? How do performance metrics help you determine your investment for a website infrastructure? How can web analytics consulting help you better achieve your business objectives?

These are just a few of the questions you should be asking yourself to create a strategy for calculating the ROI for promoting your calls-to-action, updating your website’s content, adding dynamic video, expanding or creating your shopping cart, and other components. Each of these factors is proven to drive traffic, increase sales and create "stickiness" so visitors come back to your site again and again.

Determining ROI and Performance Metrics: Which Criteria Matter Most?
ROI for website performance is best measured by a variety of criteria. One might be web traffic. Another could be conversion rates of visitors to customers. Yet another may be the success of Pay-Per-Click campaigns. However, Moonstone Interactive believes that there are three important factors for realizing ROI:

  • Create a compelling online presence – What your website looks like to new visitors will ultimately determine how the visitors will react, and if they will buy. So this is a critical component of any company’s marketing and communication success. Use web analytics consulting with these visitors’ actions in designing your website to achieve your ROI target.
  • Define visitor behavior that contributes to your business objectives: – A second criteria of performance metrics is defining the visitor actions that best fulfill your business objectives. Then build a natural navigation path toward these calls-to actions. Contribute to your company’s business goals – Manage the results of each campaign for Sales and revenue growth, expense reductions, education of your visitors, and other factors are all part of the bigger picture of determining ROI through web analytics consulting.
  • Contribute to your company’s business goals – Manage the results of each campaign for sales and revenue growth, expense reductions, education of your visitors, and other factors are all part of the bigger picture of determining ROI through web analytics consulting.

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