Email Template Design

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Tips for Online Marketing Last Updated: February 13, 2013
Author: Steve Herz
Email Template Design

Let’s say that you want to create an email newsletter design filled with monthly content that you can send regularly to your prospects, targeted customers, past and current clients.

Should you use one of the most popular newsletter templates to put your best foot forward with your audience? Or should you try to do the HTML email design yourself?

We’re Experts At Email Newsletter Design.

At Moonstone Interactive, we understand the nuances of email newsletter design. After all, we’ve been creating newsletter templates for our clients for over 15 years now. Below are some insider tips for HTML email design success:

  • Reinforce your brand essence and voice – In the masthead of your chosen newsletter templates, always use your company logo to reinforce your brand essence, as well expanding on your corporate voice in your email newsletter design.
  • Design for simple delivery of value – Your newsletter templates should be clean and simple to deliver value to your clients. Offer them monthly business advice, highlight a company case study whenever possible, provide a recent testimonial, or send them a special discount valid for this month only.
  • Ensure that your message / value is visible prior to accepting graphics / photos – This HTML email design suggestion is often overlooked. It’s important to utilize an email newsletter design that shows your key content message to your audience before their email program asks them to "download pictures".
  • Use a landing page – Your newsletter templates should include a link to a landing page, which should hold the bulk of the information you want your prospect to read. Each landing page should be designed to bridge the email teaser to the respective offer on the website.
  • Measure different attributes – Test different layouts, link placements, offers, and other content to measure results so that you can then determine the optimal approach.

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