Business Website Objectives

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Tips for Online Marketing Last Updated: June 12, 2013
Author: Global Administrator
Business Website Objectives

This article is part of a series that will give you a better understanding of how your website relates to your business. When talking with clients about their business websites, I stress that their site needs to serve their business. I look at their website as an extension of their business and must support their business objectives. I take a look at their overall business objectives and evaluate:

  • How does their business make their money?
  • Who is their target audience?
  • What do they want the website to accomplish?
  • How can their website be used to help their business?

Anybody looking at to put up a website for business purposes of necessity needs to consider this; too many business sites are very poorly thought out and underutilized. A good website is quite a bit more than just a good design. A good website and a really nice design is often only a website that is playing as a glorified brochure. For some businesses, it's better than nothing and does provide an online presence. However, with a great design, you can make sure that your website will support your business objectives.

When a business is all web-based, it is much more important to identify the website objectives and how it relates to the overall business. A web-based business needs to be well-designed so that it does not distract people and attracts the customers'' eyes to those actions which make the business money. These "calls to action" are critically important to the overall website design and to website conversions. A successful website can be monitored and measured. The website metrics should support the core metrics of the overall business. An example of one metric might be the number of unique visitors to the number of website sales.

We are also going to want to discuss how their website can be used to promote their business. A non web-based business should use their website as an extension of their physical locations. Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses may have a storefront or may need to deal with clients in person, but they can use their website to increase sales or to extend their reach to their customers. That concludes this article; you can search our other articles for additional information.

Author Bio
Scott is currently the Director of Marketing and Lead Acquisition for Moonstone Interactive; which provides affiliate program management, channel marketing, paid search management and E business consulting, search engine optimization, and other e-business services. Scott has been involved in online marketing since 1997. His years of experience involve online marketing and lead management process development, partner relationships, and initiating and managing paid search strategies for companies including AutoNation, AutoWeb, E-Loan, and Moonstone.

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