Social Integration for Blog Content Publishing

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Tips for Content Management Last Updated: June 1, 2017
Author: Global Administrator
Social Integration for Blog Content Publishing

You most likely know that you should concentrate your online marketing efforts into social integration for blog content publishing.

But some of your colleagues may be telling you to focus more right now on online media through social sharing buttons than on blogs.

Meanwhile, others may suggest that you embrace reinforcing a single keyword strategy across all of your blogs, web content and media channels through content marketing tools.

So what the heck should you do?

This article will provide some time-tested tips on how to successfully balance integrating your social editorial calendars with your blog publishing.

Digital Word-Of-Mouth Is The Holy Grail.

As content marketers, have you ever added a Facebook post that went viral with hundreds of “Likes”, dozens of “Comments”, and an amazing number of “Shares” within a few hours? Has a video you created been featured on a prominent social media platform? Or perhaps has a blog you’ve written been discussed by a high-level industry group?

For all of our efforts to make a name for ourselves or our companies, digital word-of-mouth has become the ultimate social currency of our day. It is –– and will be for a while – The Holy Grail of our time.

If you’ve read “The Circle” by Dave Eggers or seen the movie based on the best-selling book featuring Tom Hanks and Emma Watson, then you know that we’re all striving for direct integration of social media and web content on a massive scale, sometimes multiple times a day.

It’s what we all want to puff up our chests and brag about to our social circles, colleagues, friends, and family. Unfortunately, most of us fail to move the needle on a regular basis.

After all, if a baseball player is said to be successful with three hits per every 10 at bats –– a .300 average –– we’re probably all batting about .100 or less when trying to hit it out of the park for social media.

Start with Focusing More on Content Marketing than on Social Media

As a savvy online marketer, you know that the longer the content you can provide, the better your opportunity to reach your target audience who may be searching for specific information or content.

That’s why, according to a 2016 content marketing industry survey by Curata, 75% of content marketers are increasing their investment in content to meet growing demand for targeted copy and videos.

Creating and adhering to monthly editorial calendars helps you plan what you want to say, when you want to say it, with targeted content, especially for longer form platforms like your blogs.

After you post a blog, you can quickly and easily link it to an excerpt on Google+ and LinkedIn, then do the same across all the other social media platforms, from Facebook to Twitter and Pinterest to Tumblr.

To that end, it’s important to know that more than 50% of adults use two or more social media sites, while over 90% of teens go online daily. And most of the younger set checks their social media sites several times a day, if not more often!

After posting and linking, you can then use Google Analytics, Webtrends or a myriad of web and social media tracking tools, such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Brandwatch to measure and optimize your digital content and campaigns.

Next, Integrate Your Content and SEO Strategy

Reinforcing a single keyword strategy across all content and channels is the next logical phase for content marketers.

Embed certain keywords into your copy is critical to becoming a leader in your field. You’d be surprised at how many potential clients can find you when you’ve attained critical mass by direct  integration of your website content and blogs with a proven SEO strategy.

Frequent blog posts of 1,000 to 1,500 words featuring a variety of primary and secondary SEO keywords have proven to be an effective way to have your target audience find you through organic search.

Then Utilize Advanced Automation Tools

For years, we all posted blogs and other web content like landing pages or videos, then had to create the linked social media posts by hand.

But now, using tools and platforms, you can automatically post press releases, blogs, videos and more to your social accounts to leverage distribution to your followers.

Each has its own benefits and advantages:

  • Hootsuite enhances your social media and management with the leading industry dashboard, all in one place. It helps you connect with your customers faster, smarter, and safer.
  • TweetDeck helps you tweet like a pro by using this Twitter tool for real-time tracking, organizing, and customer engagement. It uses a series of customizable columns to display your Twitter timeline, mentions, direct messages, lists, favorites, trends, search results, hashtags, and tweets by or to a single user.
  • Sprinklr says that it’s the most complete social media management platform for the enterprise. It helps the world’s largest brands do marketing, advertising, care, sales, research, and commerce on over 20 social media channels globally, on one integrated platform.
  • Buffer is a better way to share on social media for marketers and agencies. With over three million users, it lets you post to all of your social networks, schedule your posts for later, engage with multimedia, and create your own content.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS) such as Wordpress, Kentico, Episerver can also enable auto posting to social media accounts. This integrated approach can provide a simpler approach where you can automatically trigger social updates with publishing website content, such as blog articles and press releases. 

Rely on Social Media Solutions

To optimize social media “sharing with a friend”, the automation tools listed above are easy to use and widely popular.

However, you can also consider using the Open Graph protocol, which was created in 2010 by Facebook. It enables you to share information quickly and easily, enabling any web page to become a rich object in a social graph instead of just a web link.

Meanwhile, a Twitter Card lets you attach rich photos, videos, and media experiences through your Tweet button, helping to drive more traffic to your website. Then, you can simply add a few lines of markup copy to your webpage, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “Twitter Card” added to that Tweet and visible to their followers.

Enable Share Features

Finally, to optimize social integration for your published content, you should recommend always enabling “share” features on your website, encouraging visitors to share your posts with their followers.

This can geometrically grow your sphere of influence with each visitor who shares your content. As mentioned above, you never know who is going to find something they like, share it with a person of influence, and that person may become a client of yours.

Learn More About Social Integration for Blog Content Publishing

Now that you know how to succeed by integrating social media with your published blog content, you should know that Moonstone Interactive can help you write the content, manage the content, and publish the content for optimum results.

We’re experts at setting up social media management tools for Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, and other outlets on the web and mobile.

Moonstone is one of the S.F. Bay Area’s leading design agencies for SEO, website design, and digital media implementation, including blogs and web content. We’ve attained amazing results with these social media platforms and software.

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