Online Marketing: Transcript

Doug: What does Moonstone do? I love your name, by the way; it's kind of hard to forget that. What does Moonstone Interactive do?

Stephen: Really, Doug, we help our clients turn their website into a profit producing asset, rather than just an expense item that they need to cover.

Doug: You do so many different things. You create website but that's not all, that's only a small part of what you do. Tick off the various services.

Stephen: One of the things we really pride ourselves in is building the website, which is the core of the presence, so that reinforces the company's brand and it talks to the target audience: Positions the information, the navigation of the site to help the visitor find what they need, and help the company actually be able to get the results of the website they desire; that's one piece. They we also work on online marketing initiatives, working with a search engine presence, or building a search engine presence is a better way to say it, so that people can find that website and pull traffic into the website.

Doug: That's website optimization.

Stephen: Right.

Doug: Really, that's what it is.

Stephen: Right. If you have a great looking website, very efficient, good information, good calls-to-action which helps the consumer but no one can find it, then you don't get the results. We have to build both a good website plus pull traffic into it through the search engines by being well placed for keywords and phrases that their target segments are using when they think about a particular company's product or service.